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I am a full-time public school art and special education teacher and a mother of 2. If I am not teaching or mothering, then I am delving into creative ideas through the creation of fiber art. In fact, even when I'm in one of those roles, I am planning my next move in the studio.  I especially enjoy exploring the concepts of childhood memories and of the maternal experience. My process is one in which I mix second hand clothing and unfinished domestic textiles together in order to create fabric collages that speak to the positive and negative experiences that lie within the childhood and maternal journey.

I consider my work to be both an anonymous collaboration with women of the past and also a deep dive into childhood memories. I take unfinished domestic textiles that have been cast aside for one reason or another (maybe a baby was born, a job started or maybe they were a full-time caretaker with not enough time for themselves) and I "collaborate" with them through the creative process. This is done in a manner that both honors their work and brings it to completion-while simultaneously bringing my ideas to life. Using a combination of collaged fabric that include figures and text, my work makes use of visual narratives that investigate the experience of growing up, and raising up, a child.

When I am stitching images together, I am slowly processing how I feel about an experience or memory. Although my process of fabric collage and quilting is labor intensive, I find it to be a meditative practice. The end results being pieces of stitched and collaged art that I hope others will enjoy experiencing as much as I did creating them.

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